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Send the below info, and if interested, the nonprofit will select a time for a phone interview. You'll get a confirmation with everything you need to know.


You'll have a 30 minute call to discuss the scope and deliverables of the project directly with You Matter 2, and for them to confirm you're a good fit.


Once accepted, you'll be able to get right to work. We will check in with you periodically to make sure you have everything you need.
You Matter 2
6 - 9 weeks
Can be done remotely
Flossmoor, Illinois
Board Development
3 projects

Posted August 25
Member since 2021-12-10

Project Overview

We are seeking 1 to 2 skilled volunteers to help design and facilitate a 1-day retreat for the You Matter 2 Board of Directors. The retreat aims to strengthen board engagement and effectiveness as we continue to grow and serve the South Suburban community.

Objectives to accomplish during the Retreat:
Fundraising Strategy: Brainstorm innovative fundraising ideas and build board members' confidence in making donor asks.
Board Roles: Clarify board members’ roles in governance, advocacy, and resource development.
Operationalizing the Strategic Plan: Translate our 2023-2026 Strategic Plan into actionable steps for committees.
Committee Engagement: Establish a consistent flow of committees with clear roles and a meeting schedule.
Executive Committee Roles: Ensure understanding of executive committee responsibilities and interactions with the full board.
Effective Board Meetings: Improve the structure and content of board meetings to align with strategic goals.

A detailed agenda and facilitation plan for the retreat.
Exercises to boost fundraising confidence and clarify roles.
A committee structure and meeting schedule.
Recommendations for executive committee roles and board meeting best practices.

The project will be completed over 4 to 5 weeks, allowing time for planning, preparation, and retreat execution.

Why This Matters:
This retreat will align our board with our strategic vision and equip them with the tools to drive our mission forward, ultimately enhancing our impact on the youth and communities we serve.

At You Matter 2, we're at a critical growth stage and need skilled volunteers to help design and facilitate a 1-day board retreat. This retreat is crucial for aligning our Board of Directors with our strategic vision and equipping them to actively drive our mission of empowering South Suburban youth through leadership and personal growth.

With our organization in a growth phase, we require a highly engaged and effective board to navigate expanding initiatives and increasing impact. The retreat will focus on enhancing fundraising strategies, clarifying board roles, operationalizing our 2023-2026 Strategic Plan, and strengthening our committee structure—laying the foundation for long-term success.

As a volunteer, your expertise will be instrumental in creating a proactive, well-informed board that can confidently support our strategic goals. This isn't just a one-day event; it's an opportunity to shape the future of an organization committed to making a lasting difference in young lives. Your contribution will have a significant impact, empowering us to serve our community with even greater purpose and effectiveness. Join us in this transformative journey to empower the next generation!We have taken initial steps to ensure the success of this board retreat. Our board members have been informed that a retreat is forthcoming, allowing them to prepare mentally and logistically for this important event. Additionally, we have gathered all necessary materials, including our bylaws, policies, and 2023-2026 Strategic Plan, ensuring they are readily available for review and use during the retreat planning process.

Once the project is complete and the retreat is fully planned, the volunteer will take the lead in executing the retreat. This includes facilitating the day’s activities, guiding discussions, and ensuring that the objectives—such as improving fundraising strategies, clarifying board roles, and operationalizing the strategic plan—are effectively addressed. The volunteer's involvement will be crucial in making the retreat a productive and transformative experience for our board, setting the stage for sustained engagement and strategic progress moving forward.


Nonprofit Overview

You Matter 2 is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides South Suburban youth and families with opportunities to develop leaders and engage communities.


Board development
Project management
Training and development